Taking NuttZo to the Next Level | NewHope360.com
If you’ve ever cared for a small child, you’ve likely experienced the same issue NuttZo founder Danielle Dietz-LiVolsi had when feeding her 4-year-old: He was a picky eater. After Danielle adopted him from a Ukrainian orphanage, Gregory suffered from low weight and thinning hair—it was clear he needed a protein-rich diet. “But he had a big problem with textures,” said Dietz-LiVolsi. “He didn’t like animal proteins like meat or chicken, and sandwiches …
Read More Here: http://newhope360.com/natural-products-expo-west-2014/nuttzo-taking-nut-butter-next-level?cid=nl_360_sdaily&&sfvc4enews=42&cl=article_6