NuttZo spread is a jarful of seven nuts and seeds | The Boston Globe
When San Diego mom Danielle Dietz-LiVolsi adopted her older son from a Ukraine orphanage, she struggled to find foods the poorly nourished boy enjoyed. Dietz-LiVolsi finally came up with a nutritious nut butter that was a hit, and now sells it as NuttZo ($14-$16 for 16 ounces), a blend of seven organic nuts and seeds, including cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts, and sunflower and flax seeds, without added sugar. In an upside-down jar so the oils that separate are on the bottom when you open it, the spread comes in crunchy and smooth versions, with and without chocolate. Another variety, Power Fuel, is bolstered with chia seeds. It may wow even the pickiest eater. Available at Good Health Natural Foods, 1630 Hancock St., Quincy, 617-773-4925, and 219 Columbia Road, Hanover, 781-826-0808; The Fresh Market, 11 Essington Drive, Hingham, 781-740-2066; Common Crow Natural Market, 6 Elm St., Gloucester, 978-283-1665; or go to
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