
Eat Like an Elite: Morgan Sjogren

Ever wonder what a ultra runner eats, while traveling int the great outdoors…living out of her Jeep…running the trails every day? Make sure to check out this awesome article in Runner’s World, where another one of our favorite NuttZo athletes, shares how she stays fueled, nourished, and energized. And YES…our NuttZo 2GO packets are one of her go-tos when running those mountain trails! Read the full article HERE to learn more about this rock star athlete eats and her love for burgers, burritos, pizza, and IPA’s. We definitely want to run the mountain trails with her someday soon! Let us know where we can meet up with you Morgan!

And definitely make sure you follow this free spirit on Instagram to keep up to date with her latest travels, runs, adventures, and where she is taking NuttZo next! She is definitely a #NuttZoFANATIC you will be inspired by!